Having been brought by God’s sovereign grace to turn from our sin and trust in our Savior, Jesus Christ; having identified with Him by believer’s baptism; and having entered into membership with this assembly as a sacred fellowship; we, the members of Tri-County Bible Church, do solemnly and joyfully renew our covenant with one another:

We will exalt the Lord by honoring His Word as our only rule of faith and practice; by worshiping Him thoughtfully, fervently, and sincerely; by attending services faithfully, especially honoring the Lord’s Day; by supporting His work through this Body with joyful, consistent, and generous offerings; by cheerfully submitting to those whom He has placed in spiritual leadership; by defending the faith when it is threatened and making it the basis of all fellowship; and by continually growing in grace and in the knowledge our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We will evangelize the lost by being faithful and eager witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus Christ among our family and friends; by praying and laboring for the cause of world evangelization; by maintaining an exemplary testimony in our conduct and spirit, especially praying for our civil representatives and submitting to our laws as much as our obedience to God allows; by bringing up our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, praying for their conversions and sending them out from our homes and assembly as mature disciples and evangelists; and by promoting a culture of Gospel grace in which every believer is mindful of his sin and Savior and every unbeliever is lovingly and patiently pointed to Jesus Christ.

We will edify the church by exercising our gifts and abilities in every member ministry; by teaching each other the Scriptures; by provoking each other to love and good works; by remembering each other in prayer; by caring for each other in need; by permitting each other to differ in matters not addressed in our Doctrinal Statement and in matters of conscience; by refraining from gossip and rivalry; by being slow to take offense and quick to forgive; by endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; and by magnifying the Gospel as the only power for Christian living.

We recognize that our obedience will be imperfect until we see our Lord Jesus. We yet recognize that we are forgiven through Christ’s sacrifice and are commanded to progress in godliness by the power of His indwelling Spirit. We therefore commit ourselves to these and all other Christian duties in order that we might be to the praise of His glory.